JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Working collaboratively for the sake of Agricultural Outreach

Working collaboratively for the sake of Agricultural Outreach

By Amanda Brodhagen, Perth County

The Perth County Junior Farmers (Perth JF) in collaboration with the Huron County Junior Farmers (Huron JF) teamed up on their agricultural outreach initiatives. Most notably was an effort to create an agricultural education presence at the Huron Pioneer Thresher & Hobby Association’s annual event held this year from September 8-10th in Blyth, Ont.

The area that the Junior Farmers organized was called a “petting zoo” – named by the event organizers, but we thought of it more as a “farm zone” a place where people could experience livestock in an intimate way. Animals that were part of the exhibit included: chickens, ducks, a dairy calf, bunnies, ponies, goats and sheep.

It was a fun experience where Junior Farmer members could connect with the public and address agricultural questions. The event team leads
were: Crystal Blake (Perth JF) and Adam Henderson (Huron JF).


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