JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Wellington JF at Fairs

Wellington JF at Fairs

In the past two months the Wellington Club has volunteered at three different area fairs. In August, members organized the busy parking section of the Drayton Fair’s tractor pull and demolition derby.

On September 16th and 17th the Wellington Junior Farmers volunteered at the Harriston Fall Fair. The club helped with the first soap box derby, held on Main Street, in Harriston. There were 26 soap boxes entered that were all home made and driven by kids aged 6-14. On Saturday and Sunday of the fair, members of both Wellington and Waterloo Junior Farmers were set up in the Agriculture Awareness building, talking to fair visitors about farming and facilitating interactions with a variety of animals.

That same weekend Wellington Members, also volunteered at the Fergus Fall Fair. Those members were also speaking to youth about agriculture!
It was a busy, but rewarding weekend for the club.

Pictured is Elbert Bouwman (Wellington) running the start line flag at the Harriston Soap Box Derby.


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