JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.


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Meaghan Weber Returns from Wales

Meaghan Weber Returns from Wales

This summer I was one of the fortunate Junior Farmers selected to go on exchange and I have to say as cheesy as it sounds it was definitely the experience of a lifetime! After March Conference when I was selected

Graydon Bowman Returns from Germany

Graydon Bowman Returns from Germany

This year I was the lucky recipient of the German exchange through JFAO. I departed on June 8th and landed in Amsterdam. I thought I’d see a bit more of the countryside and took a train through Holland.

Wellington County Junior Farmers
Club Newsletter

What’s up with Wellington Junior Farmers

In the beginning of June we welcomed the international delegates who stayed with a few of our club members during their week in the county. There were 5 delegates

One Month in Scotland - Victoria Kyle

One Month in Scotland – Victoria Kyle

Scotland—where do I begin?! I can’t believe a month of my exchange has already passed. I have done some amazing things and met so many great people. I am sad to be leaving Scotland but also excited to start a new


Dundas Food Drive

I’m not sure about you, but it isn’t very often that I’m going to bed hungry. If I feel the slightest bit of discomfort I go to the fridge and see what’s new to eat. Unfortunately not everybody has that kind of luxury

Junior Farmer Pro Painters

Perth JF Paints it Green!

The Perth County Junior Farmers have a new nickname – Junior Farmer Pro Painters! Yes, it’s true we had our crew out painting the livestock shelters at the Listowel Fairgrounds and I must say, members did a pretty fine job. I can say that as the “supervisor” and official media person onsite

Judging Competition

All-Ontario Judging Competition Orangeville

On May 30th, the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario (JFAO) hosted the first ever All-Ontario Judging Competition at the Orangeville Fairgrounds. The competition challenged 4-Hers and Junior Farmers of all ages, including alumni and our visiting JF International Delegates, to judge a wide range of classes. Participants had the opportunity to give placings for sheep, heavy horses, first aid kits, paintball masks, knitting, canola, soybeans, and hay. As an extra challenge, oral reasons were given for dairy, beef, maple syrup and oat sheaves.

Perth County Junior Farmers Roadside Cleanup
Club Newsletter

What’s up in Perth County

If you aren’t one to embrace the exciting world of social media, than you have probably missed out on all the great things, which Perth County has been up to. The club hosted its first awards banquet since we re-founded in 2013. It was a momentous occasion where we brought together

Renfrew County Junior Farmers club
Club Newsletter

Renfrew County in 2015

This year our little club has had quite the successful and promising start. We started off our year in February when we had an amazing time in Guelph and won Winter Games. We returned home to Renfrew County to much excitement and congratulations from our alumni and some