JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.


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Permoo Perth’s new official mascot

Permoo and Change

2016 has continued on with changes in Perth County and we are excited to see even more ahead. Perth JF would like to introduce “Permoo” to JFAO as Perth’s new official mascot. He began his Junior Farmer

2016 Winter Games

Winter Games 2016

170 Junior Farmer members came from counties across the province to take a walk down memory lane with this year’s theme of “Come Inside the Polka Dot Door”

Three weeks in Zone 7
Club Newsletter

Three Weeks in Zone 7

The delegates spent their first two weeks in zone 7 with Perth County, touring Perth, Bruce and Huron County. The two week delegate adventure in Perth began with Perth members

Three Weeks in Northern Ireland - Victoria Kyle

Three Weeks in Northern Ireland – Victoria Kyle

On July 5 I flew from Kirkwall to Belfast. Harry Thompson (2014 delegate to Canada) picked me up at the airport as he was my host for the first week. There were 6 other exchangees who I got