JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Traveled Down to Kent-Essex County

Traveled Down to Kent-Essex County
Kent-Essex County highlights

Six weeks in now and traveled to so many places different places. Week 4 and we traveled down to Kent-Essex County highlights of that week were being part of their towns parade and also getting to see the parade, having a tour of Zings pepper plant and the Ethanol plant.  We also went to see Point Peele which is the most southern point of Canada.

We then headed up to Middlesex and we got to end our first 6 weeks in style.  This week included a tour of London’s County Building which used to be their Court House.  It was very interesting as it still had some of the old jail cells and we got to learn the history of the building.

That week we also got to tour an organic asparagus farm, a goat dairy farm and a great tour of Coldstream Concrete Plant. We got to celebrate Canada day down at Grand Bend spending the day on the beach, we all defiantly had a Canada Day to remember and a great way to end our first 6 weeks in Canada.

Kristy-Anne Wytenburg
Executive Director of Community & International Programs


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