JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Summer 2022 Club-2-Club Exchanges

Summer 2022 Club-2-Club Exchanges
Kurtis Smith, Middlesex, and Courtney McClelland, Oxford, before leaving for their exchange.

This summer we are once again having Junior Farmer exchanges! Instead of our usual international travel opportunities, we are going to have two weekends where JF members can host delegates from another club or go and travel. These club-2-club exchanges are a mini-version of the international exchanges and are sure to be a highlight this summer.

The exchanges will happen Friday July 15-Sunday July 17 and Friday August 5-Sunday August 7. Any JF member in good standing is eligible to apply to host, travel or even host one weekend and travel the other. If you travel, you are not required to host. When applying to travel, members will be able to select the top 3 clubs they would like to visit. After all applications have been received, members who applied to host and those that applied to travel will be matched based on preferences, availability, and number of applications.

The exchange experience will begin Friday evening with delegates arriving at their hosts. The delegates will stay with their hosts until Sunday around midday when they will travel back to their homes. Delegates are responsible for providing their own accommodation to their hosts. Throughout the weekend, JF hosts will be able to show delegates the agriculture, landmarks and attractions in their local area and introduce them to other members in their club. The weekend of the exchanges is a perfect time for hosting clubs to have a club or even a zone social so that delegates can meet as many JF members in the area as possible.

The 2022 summer club-2-club exchanges provide a great opportunity for members to travel with minimal costs and to see different regions and hidden gems in our beautiful province. The exchanges will also allow participating members a chance to make friends from different clubs in the province and learn more about how these clubs function compared to their own. Hosting or traveling in these summer exchanges is also a great trial run before applying to an international exchange next year.

If you are interested in either hosting or traveling for the 2022 summer exchanges or both, please fill out the application form found here.


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