JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Middlesex Makes a Moove with Mental Health

Middlesex Makes a Moove with Mental Health
Middlesex Makes a Moove with Mental Health

Middlesex Makes a Moove with Mental HealthWith the start of a new year, comes the promise of new beginnings and opportunities. However, with the start of 2021 came more lockdowns and restrictions for everyone throughout the province. In hopes of lifting everyone’s spirits, the Middlesex Junior Farmers launched an exciting new campaign, the Mental Health ‘Moovement’. During the month of April, our members challenged other Junior Farmer members, friends, family and alumni to ‘Lift their Moods’ through a lifting challenge. There is a correlation between mental health and physical health, and doing exercise can improve one’s mood. Once challenged, people were asked to do 10 lifting reps with any object that they could find. Everyone had fun being creative with their challenge as many were seen lifting pets, kids, tires, ladders and many other interesting household items. Check out #MentalHealthMoovement and #MiddlesexJF to see everyone’s submissions! The Middlesex Junior Farmers have more exciting initiatives coming soon, so stay tuned to learn more!

By Katelyn O’Neil


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