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Learn To Dance Tutorial 2021 Guelph Junior Farmers

Learn To Dance Tutorial 2021 Guelph Junior Farmers
Learn to dance tutorial

Due to challenges with Covid-19 and university restrictions, our club opted to keep the tradition of our highly popular Learn-to-Dance orientation week event alive by moving it to a virtual platform instead of in-person dancing. We prepared a dance tutorial video that describes the basic steps for 3 popular country line dances, step dancing and two-stepping. The video can be found on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwDkpm5Q2bY

The project was very successful and we would definitely consider doing it again in the future. Not only did we have a decent turnout to the synchronous virtual event itself, we also had extensive promotion of the video over social media via club members and their social contacts, so we ended up having 500 views of our video on YouTube (and it is still up for people to watch for future reference). Our hopes were that we could pass on the tradition of country dancing to new students at the university, and we are happy that we could have a positive effect on the University of Guelph and wider community this way!


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