JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Huron Perth JF Embraced Warm Weather

Huron Perth JF Embraced Warm Weather
Huron Perth roadside cleanup

Huron Perth honeyOver the summer, Huron Perth Junior Farmers embraced the warm weather and toured the counties. In June, we were able to do our annual roadside cleanup on a portion of Road119 outside of Stratford, followed by an ice cream social. In July, we helped out at Lucknow’s Ag Society Movie Night with helping to park cars, and were able to enjoy the movie afterwards. August was a big month, touring Koskamp Family Farms near Stratford, to learn about milking Water Buffalo and their biogas operations. We followed the tour by canoeing and kayaking down the Thames River in St. Mary’s with some members from Waterloo JF, Oxford JF, and alumni. We ended August by holding a mini-golf tournament at Point Farms near Goderich. In September, we got to learn more about honey bees and help process some honey from one of our member’s hives(Sam Knechtel).


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