JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Financials In A Junior Farmer Club

Financials In A Junior Farmer Club

On Wednesday, June 9, JFAO members were invited to attend a bookkeeping and financials presentation by one of our sponsors, MNP. The presentation was held over Zoom with members tuning in from across the province. Jolande Oudshoorn, a member of Huron-Perth JF led the workshop along with her co-worker at MNP Susan McKinnon. Topics covered included bookkeeping, managing petty cash, the role of a treasurer in a club, and giving a report at a club meeting. It was an informative presentation with the members in attendance having the chance to ask questions at the end. It was recorded and is available for any members that are interested and were unable to attend. We would like to thank Jolande and Susan for giving us the opportunity to learn more about financials in a Junior Farmer club.

By Kylie O’Neil


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