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Escape to Adventure

Escape to Adventure

Leadership Camp 2017 By Sarah Teefy, Executive Director of Membership

On June 9th, a group of Junior Farmer members escaped from their work week, to have an adventurous weekend at this year’s Leadership Camp.
This year’s camp was held at Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC), on the shores of Lake Simcoe in Orillia, where we were greeted with hot sunny weather that stuck with us all weekend long.

Campers started the weekend with board games in the rec hall, followed by roasting a few marshmallows under the stars, at the evening campfire.
This was also when most people got their first chance to meet our exchange delegates for the summer.

Bright and early on the Saturday morning, a few brave souls were up for a quick dip in the cool waters down at the lake, before heading back for breakfast. The day brought activities galore, from archery and canoeing to a blinded team walk through the forest.

Campers worked in teams throughout the day, all representing different continents. We had team Africa, team Asia, team Americas, and team Europe, each working to tackle the challenges of the day including a Pictionary amazing race game that had teams on the run.

Sunday was a highlight for all, bringing the escape room challenge. Each team entered into a dark room with only a small light to start. They worked their way through a series of clues and puzzles, with an end result of finding light and escaping the darkness. Teams did exceptionally well working together and no one was left in the dark, literally.

By the end of the weekend, we had a few sunburns, a hundred mosquito bites, and tonne of fun!


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