JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Category: Exchange

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Graydon Bowman - Junior Farmer in Durham East JF

Pre-Exchange Report – Graydon Bowman (Germany)

It is with great excitement I begin to prepare for my exchange to Germany. I was awarded the exchange at Junior Farmers’ annual March Conference held this year in London. I will be staying in Lower Saxony for five weeks starting in the beginning of June.

Victoria Kyle

Pre-Exchange with Victoria Kyle (United Kingdom)

I have been a part of the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario for 4 years now, starting in Brant County and continuing on now with the University of Guelph club. I just finished my third year in the Food and Agricultural Business co-op program at UofG.

Kurtis Smith Exchange to Wales 2014

Kurtis Smith – Wales Exchange Report 2014

After returning from volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in New Zealand in February, I quickly decided that I wanted to apply for a JFAO exchange to explore and experience another part of the world! At March Conference I was awarded with what

Junior Farmers travels to Wales on JFAO Exchange

Junior Farmers travels to Wales on JFAO Exchange

When I found out that I had been accepted for a JFAO exchange, I was so excited and nervous as it was my first trip to the other side of the world! But shortly after this news I found out that I wasn’t going to be the only JF in Wales at the time, Kurtis Smith had