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Category: Exchange

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Austria Exchange! – Kate Johnson

Austria Exchange! – Kate Johnson

Spring came upon us so quickly this year, making for lots of work in a short period of time. As the summer unfolds, so does my exchange opportunity! My name is Kate Johnson


10 things I have noticed in Germany

I have been in a few different villages and cities Lower Saxony, Germany since May 25th and these are a few of the things I have noticed.


Hosting a delegate from Northern Ireland

Hi there! My name is Charlotte Huitema and I am a member of the Haldimand/Norfolk Junior Farmers Club. From May 27th to June 2 I had the opportunity of hosting a delegate from Northern Ireland

The Junior Farmers Association of Ontario (JFAO) offers 10 outgoing exchanges to members every year

10 Outgoing Exchanges to Members

The Junior Farmers Association of Ontario (JFAO) offers 10 outgoing exchanges to members every year along with welcoming international delegates to Ontario during the summer.


The Adventure of a Lifetime Wraps Up

Some of the things I learned about farming, while in Germany, is how not only are the farmers progressive and conscious about their business, but this backed by a stringent


The Adventure Continues

After my stay there, I traveled to Neinburg by train where Simone Ruhno picked me up. I would spend the next week with her son and her, where I would visit farms, see soccer games


In the Beginning

I just want to highlight how amazing of an experience it was to travel Germany on a JFAO exchange. In the beginning I never imagined just the experience I was in


Republic of Ireland Exchange Part Two

Following a busy first week, I then moved to Wexford county to start the second week. My host was Emmet Kehoe, his family milked 77 cows on 190 acres. I visited


Republic of Ireland Exchange Part One

My first full week I met up with a Scottish delegate and we would travel together for the next week. We left the Miss Macra festival and travelled