Working collaboratively for the sake of Agricultural Outreach
The Perth County Junior Farmers (Perth JF) in collaboration with the Huron County Junior Farmers (Huron JF) teamed up on their agricultural outreach initiatives.
The Perth County Junior Farmers (Perth JF) in collaboration with the Huron County Junior Farmers (Huron JF) teamed up on their agricultural outreach initiatives.
The 11th Annual JFAO Charity Golf Tournament was held Friday August 11th, 2017 at Guelph Lakes Golf and Country Club. The golf tournament is a way JFAO brings
At the 150th Stormont County Fair, held labour day weekend, the Stormont-Glengarry Junior farmers won first prize for their float! The float was a very tall birthday cake
In the past two months the Wellington Club has volunteered at three different area fairs. In August, members organized the busy parking section of the Drayton Fair’s
This past summer Ambassador’s Banquet was hosted by Oxford County Junior Farmers and was held at Leaping Deere Adventure Farm, just south of Woodstock
Things haven’t slowed down much in Renfrew County. July saw our club say goodbye to the delegates, as we sent them on their break week
Junior Farmers Association of Ontario hosted a booth, in the Focus on Youth tent, at this years’ International Plowing Match, held in Huron County Sept 19-23. The week long event
Summer has been off to a great start for Carleton County Junior Farmers. On June 24th, the Annual Redneck Games were held at the
This past June, Perth County JF members helped organize the Agricultural Zone at the 2017 Teddy Bear Play Day in Listowel. This event was
Since 1856, the McCutcheon Family Farm continues to be owned and operated by the McCutcheon family. Junior Farmers’ Association of Ontario is please to recognize
P.O. Box 25115
17-370 Stone Rd. W.
Guelph ON N1G 4T4