
JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.


JFAO News Posts

2021 Ontario Young Farmers Forum East
Club Newsletter

2021 Ontario Young Farmers Forum Summary

The 2021 Ontario Young Farmers Forum (OYFF) included virtual and in-person sessions that followed current public health restrictions. The OYFF committee began planning in August and committee members included Karen

Autumn Profile - JFAO's Amazing Race
Club Newsletter

Autumn Profile – JFAO’s Amazing Race

On October 23rd 2021 Grey Country Junior Farmers Hosted 11 teams in the town of Meaford for Amazing Race Challenge. Throughout the town members of Grey County Junior Famers hosted

Stormont-Glengarry Junior Farmers volleyball tournament

Keeping The Flamingos Moving

The Stormont-Glengarry Junior Farmers have been trying to keep busy despite the pandemic. We have been keeping the flamingos moving and did some 911 Farm sign installations. We also participated

Grey JF Ag Adventure

Grey Busy Summer With Ag Adventure

Grey has been busy this summer with our Ag Adventure which went over really well. We enjoyed seeing all of the pictures that everyone submitted! We have been enjoying having

Huron Perth roadside cleanup

Huron Perth JF Embraced Warm Weather

Over the summer, Huron Perth Junior Farmers embraced the warm weather and toured the counties. In June, we were able to do our annual roadside cleanup on a portion of

stay connected this summer

Renfrew Staying Connected This Summer

Previous Next Renfrew has been doing our best to interact and stay connected this summer. We kicked off the summer by hosting our second ever spring and third consecutive curbside

Junior Farmers are volunteers.

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