
JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.


JFAO News Posts

Meaghan Weber Returns from Wales

Meaghan Weber Returns from Wales

This summer I was one of the fortunate Junior Farmers selected to go on exchange and I have to say as cheesy as it sounds it was definitely the experience of a lifetime! After March Conference when I was selected

Graydon Bowman Returns from Germany

Graydon Bowman Returns from Germany

This year I was the lucky recipient of the German exchange through JFAO. I departed on June 8th and landed in Amsterdam. I thought I’d see a bit more of the countryside and took a train through Holland.


Junior Farmer Delegates Visit Middlesex County (Zone 5)

When I asked Middlesex County what they did with the delegates Amy Oliver gave me great feedback, including a detailed report of the day to day activities! I’m not going to play with it much but I will share

Wellington County Junior Farmers
Club Newsletter

What’s up with Wellington Junior Farmers

In the beginning of June we welcomed the international delegates who stayed with a few of our club members during their week in the county. There were 5 delegates

One Month in Scotland - Victoria Kyle

One Month in Scotland – Victoria Kyle

Scotland—where do I begin?! I can’t believe a month of my exchange has already passed. I have done some amazing things and met so many great people. I am sad to be leaving Scotland but also excited to start a new

Junior Farmers are volunteers.

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