JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Austria Exchange! – Kate Johnson

Austria Exchange! – Kate Johnson
Austria Exchange! – Kate Johnson

Spring came upon us so quickly this year, making for lots of work in a short period of time. As the summer unfolds, so does my exchange opportunity! My name is Kate Johnson and this year I applied to participate in an exchange through the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario (JFAO). In order to be chosen for an exchange opportunity, I completed an application, presentation, interview, written test as well as an impromptu speech to a panel of judges. Once this was finished, I was awarded the opportunity to travel to Austria on an exchange at the JFAO March Conference banquet. The exchange takes place this summer and I’m very excited to have this opportunity presented to me.

JFAO is an organization for youth, run by youth. It provides its members with many opportunities and my favourite is the exchange program. This year I’m very excited to be able to take advantage of one of the many opportunities JFAO offers its members. I have met and hosted many youth through this program and have always wanted to apply for an exchange. I’m really looking forward to experiencing agriculture, culture and travel in a different part of the world as well as represent Canada.
I grew up in south central Ontario where my family farms. We have commercial Angus beef cattle, raising a cow/calf heard as well as finishing cattle. We mainly grow crops as forage for our cattle, consisting of a couple different grains as well as hay. Growing up, helping on the farm is what sparked my passion for the agriculture industry. Although, I am a RPN by profession, I do enjoy and often lend a helping hand at our family farm once my shifts are finished. As this is a summer exchange, my father has already expressed his concerns to me about leaving in the middle of the busy season on the farm.

With this background and my family’s inspiration, it also lead me to volunteering and being involved in the agricultural community with a few different organizations. Some being; 4-H, The Uxbridge-Scott Agricultural Society, The Food Grains Bank, and Junior Farmers.
With this being said, I’m really looking forward to what this exchange has to offer and I will continue to keep you all updated. I would like to take this time to thank all those who sponsored my exchange opportunity. Your support and generous contributions are really appreciated! As followed, Durham West Junior Farmers, ECSCA, The Bethesda Reach Women’s Institute, Sunderland Co-op, Greenbank Lions Club, Uxbridge Rotary Club, The Ottolini Family, and The Junior Farmers Association of Ontario. I will gladly provide a presentation, upon my return, to all my sponsors as a thank you! Wish me luck with this new adventure!

Yours Truly,

Kate Johnson,
Durham West Junior Farmers Member


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