JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Annual Redneck Games at Metcalfe Fairgrounds

Annual Redneck Games at Metcalfe Fairgrounds

Summer has been off to a great start for Carleton County Junior Farmers. On June 24th, the Annual Redneck Games were held at the Metcalfe Fairgrounds.  This event boasted a hot and sunny day with many enthusiastic participants coming together to compete for bragging rights. On Canada Day, some club members participated in the Osgoode Canada Day parade while others joined the international Junior Farmer delegates, hosted by Renfrew County, who came to the Ottawa region and celebrated Canada’s 150th anniversary on Parliament Hill.  On July 5th, the delegates had a farm tour day in the Carleton area.  On July 18th, the club helped with 4H Judging night at the Richmond Fairgrounds which had 185 4H members in attendance.

The club heads to Embrun on July 26th to donate blood through Canadian Blood Services.  Carleton county will also be attending the Capital Fair on August 26th to support 4H Ontario and answer any questions regarding Junior Farmers.  The club also seeks to adopt a roadway in the upcoming months.

Our next club meeting will be held August 15th and, as always, new members are welcome.  The club can be contacted at: caletonjuniorfarmers@gmail.com


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