JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Ambassador’s Banquet 2017 Recap

Ambassador’s Banquet 2017 Recap

This past summer Ambassador’s Banquet was hosted by Oxford County Junior Farmers and was held at Leaping Deere Adventure Farm, just south of Woodstock on August 26th. This year’s hall was unlike any other, as Leaping Deere’s banquet hall is a renovated pig barn, perfect for a Junior Farmer get-together! The weather was perfect for the evening and over 70 alumni and members plus 8 international exchangees attended the dinner and dance. This year there were two presentations from past outgoing JFAO exchange members, Nic Weber showed off his travels in Tasmania and Sarah Teefy showed off her trip around Northern Ireland.

The 2016 International Summer Delegates also had a little slideshow where they showed everyone some of the highlights of their three months here in Ontario. They showed us everything from sightseeing, to farm tours to just relaxing and enjoying the warm Canadian summer. Overall the night was perfect for reminiscing about travel adventures and inspiring others to take the chance, go for an exchange and take the trip of a lifetime.

If you are interested in learning more about JFAO’s exchange opportunities, would like to keep in touch for next year’s banquet, or would like to reconnect with past delegates please feel free to contact cip@jfao.on.ca.


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