JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

2nd Annual Wentworth-Niagara Junior Farmer Agriculture Tour

2nd Annual Wentworth-Niagara Junior Farmer Agriculture Tour

April 29th marked the 2nd annual agriculture tour hosted by the Wentworth-Niagara Junior Farmers. The group of 12 travelled around Wentworth and Niagara counties visiting and learning about different agricultural related businesses. This year the four stops included Rosa Flora – the largest greenhouse cut flower operation in Canada, a local dairy robot operation Maplebrae Farms, Tigchelaar Berry Farm located in Jordan Station and Walker Industries to see their composting facility.

“The main goal for the tour day, is to get people out and recognize the many different sides of agricultural that you don’t see every day.” says Amy Harrigan, Wentworth-Niagara Junior Farmer Chair of the Event . “I think it’s a great way for farmers and members of the community to gain a better understanding, of how all of the different agricultural related businesses work together and depend on one another, either directly or indirectly. It is also an opportunity for us to educate ourselves on new farm practices and technologies”.

The club has plans to continue this as an annual event – which is open to all Junior Farmer members and the community. Last year the club toured two local grain terminals, a dairy goat farm and a biodigester at a local greenhouse.

If you would like more information or have any suggestions for next year’s tour please contact the Wentworth-Niagara Junior Farmers at wnjuniorfarmers@gmail.com.


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