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2021 Ontario Young Farmers Forum Summary

2021 Ontario Young Farmers Forum Summary
2021 Ontario Young Farmers Forum East

The 2021 Ontario Young Farmers Forum (OYFF) included virtual and in-person sessions that followed current public health restrictions. The OYFF committee began planning in August and committee members included Karen De Bruyn, Jamie Schultz, Arin Douglas, Tina Wark, Nic Willemsma, and Christine Wyville. Special thanks to Meredith Mulligan for managing the social media posts. The OYFF virtual sessions consisted of a four-part speaker series that took place during the month of November. The first three sessions included presentations by industry representatives followed by virtual socials. The final session featured a discussion with a panel of young farmers from across Ontario and even one from Newfoundland, followed by a virtual social. The OYFF in-person sessions were comprised of an event held in Eastern Ontario and an event held in Western Ontario. These events allowed attendees to participate in two farm tours and come together for a catered lunch.


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