JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Month: February 2018


The Adventure of a Lifetime Wraps Up

Some of the things I learned about farming, while in Germany, is how not only are the farmers progressive and conscious about their business, but this backed by a stringent


The Adventure Continues

After my stay there, I traveled to Neinburg by train where Simone Ruhno picked me up. I would spend the next week with her son and her, where I would visit farms, see soccer games


In the Beginning

I just want to highlight how amazing of an experience it was to travel Germany on a JFAO exchange. In the beginning I never imagined just the experience I was in

The Perth County club has had a quieter couple months
Club Newsletter

Do YOU want to Learn to Two Step?

The Perth County club has had a quieter couple months, but they haven’t missed a two step night yet. If you know someone interested in learning to