JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Month: June 2015

Zone 2 Exchange

Another Day, Another Zone: Zone 2

The delegates had yet another couple of busy weeks in zone two! Each delegate had some highlights they would like to share as well! Kate Johnson of Durham West said

Carleton JF Hosts Trivia Night

Carleton JF Hosts Trivia Night

The theme of the JFAO Leadership Camp last weekend was “Overcoming Adversity”, and oh boy, did we ever overcome adversity to host a fantastic trivia night at the Osgoode Legion on June 12th. Kristy-Anne Wytenburg and I have been excitedly planning this trivia night for months.

International Delegates in Zone 3 at Blue Jays game

International Delegates in Zone 3

On May 22nd our first two international delegates arrived with Gillian Stewart from Scotland and Lisa Walsh from the Republic of Ireland. After only a slight detour and traffic jam

Junior Farmer Pro Painters

Perth JF Paints it Green!

The Perth County Junior Farmers have a new nickname – Junior Farmer Pro Painters! Yes, it’s true we had our crew out painting the livestock shelters at the Listowel Fairgrounds and I must say, members did a pretty fine job. I can say that as the “supervisor” and official media person onsite

Judging Competition

All-Ontario Judging Competition Orangeville

On May 30th, the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario (JFAO) hosted the first ever All-Ontario Judging Competition at the Orangeville Fairgrounds. The competition challenged 4-Hers and Junior Farmers of all ages, including alumni and our visiting JF International Delegates, to judge a wide range of classes. Participants had the opportunity to give placings for sheep, heavy horses, first aid kits, paintball masks, knitting, canola, soybeans, and hay. As an extra challenge, oral reasons were given for dairy, beef, maple syrup and oat sheaves.