JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

10 Outgoing Exchanges to Members

10 Outgoing Exchanges to Members
The Junior Farmers Association of Ontario (JFAO) offers 10 outgoing exchanges to members every year

The Junior Farmers Association of Ontario (JFAO) offers 10 outgoing exchanges to members every year along with welcoming international delegates to Ontario during the summer.

Those that apply for an exchange must participate in an interview, give a presentation, engage in an impromptu speech, and complete a quiz about JFAO and Canada to be awarded the trip.

My name is Nic Willemsma and I have been a member of the Essex-Kent Junior Farmers since 2016, when I helped get the club restarted. I have been able to attend many of the JFAO opportunities and this year I get to spend 2 months in Germany.

Along with myself, 5 other JFAO members were awarded exchanges:
Republic of Ireland – Adrian Straathof
Scotland – Danielle Teefy
United Kingdom – Amanda Brodhagen
Wales – Zach Lance
Austria – Kate Johnson

JFAO has long standing relationships with young farmer organizations around the world.
The organization in Germany is called Niedersächsische Landjugend (Lower Saxony rural youth).

The Junior Farmers Association of Ontario provides opportunities for young people age 15-29 of all backgrounds, but especially those in rural Ontario, to take on the challenge of exploring their individual talents and potential to develop personally while being involved in bettering their communities, networking, and having fun. JFAO’s mission is “to build rural leaders through personal growth, travel, experiences and community betterment.”


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