JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

March Conference
March Conference
About March Conference The Annual Junior Farmers’ Association of Ontario March Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) are held each year at the end of March. Members from throughout the province gather in Eastern or Western Ontario (alternates each year) for a great weekend of leadership, networking and to recognize…
Leadership Camp
Leadership Camp
Join us for a camp of tying knots! Camp will begin Friday, June 21 at 7 pm. We will have our first guest speakers of the weekend teach us knot-tying, followed by a campfire social. Saturday's jam-packed activities include a low rope course at the Edge of Walton, 2 agribusiness…

Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario


You'll find our constitution, policies, forms, club handbook and more. Visit our resources page for more information about JFAO.

Who We Are

Find out more about the Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario. Check out our bios, pictures, mission statement and more.

Agricultural Programs

The Ontario Century Farm Sign (CFS) was initiated in 1967 as a Canadian Centennial project of the Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario.

News From Our Blog


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JFAO run by youth for youth. We connect people between the ages of 15-29 through volunteer engagement, travel opportunities & social events.



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For all Junior Farmer Association of Ontario members, alumni, partners, and guests who love and support JFAO. All inquiries are answered as soon as possible by our volunteer executive.



Follow and Connect with us on Instagram


See what's happening in our Instagram channel.

JFAO Partners

JFAO Partners

Check out our Provincial Partners, visit their websites and thank them!

JFAO Calendar


Local and provincial club newsletter published quarterly.

JFAO Provincial Events

Annual Provincial Events

Current event packages are posted with each event description.

Junior Farmers are volunteers.

Sign up online for your Individual Membership.